Serving you, the citizens of Rosemount, now four terms, is both gratifying and humbling in your trust and willingness to allow me the privilege to represent all of you on City Council. With your consent and vote, I would like to continue to serve you, now as MAYOR to positively move forward our community to address the challenges we are facing.
Today, fiscal restraint, finding innovative solutions and increasing technology use will continue to be keys for city staff to communicate and provide the services our citizens expect in today's world. City Council prioritizes city revenue resources to fulfill our citizens' expectations and to realize a long- term vision for the community that is sustainable and prudent in future capital investments and current infrastructure maintenance. Sustainable economic growth creates more local jobs, pays for development infrastructure and creates the ability to maintain itself after the development is done.
Increasing our retail, commercial and industrial tax base, our tax capacity, provides local jobs for our economy while reducing the reliance on the higher percentage of residential tax revenues we experience. Similarly, buying local and supporting our local businesses allows for their expansion and reinvestment back into our community.
Currently, nearly 27,000 citizens live in Rosemount (38th largest in MN). Increasing our community amenities and gathering events allow more of us to feel connected and call Rosemount - HOME. The long history of volunteering in our community helps activate the "neighborliness" and "hometown" feel we all treasure. We must continue to create opportunities for everyone to engage as our population develops, diversifies and delivers on our “Spirit of Pride and Progress”.
UMORE Development is a 25-30 year vision on 5000+ acres in Rosemount and Empire Township.
This property represents many memories for residents impacting the public discourse during the overall development and timeline. Changes have occurred with the initial mining operations and several related construction businesses with state-of-the-art facilities operating and providing services to the local and regional market. Now, sitework is well under way for the first development of 425 acres called Amber Fields at the southwest corner of Akron Avenue and CR 42 next to Dakota County Technical College. Approximately 1,500 new life cycle housing units of various types and sizes. Eleven acres is dedicated to commercial development.
Key for our city council, staff and residents will be the open communication necessary to engage and inform the public on future developments relying on planning commission recommendations, ordinance protections and the permitting development will go through on this site.